Spring KR Cover 22

Spring 2022

Frederick M. Lawrence

From the Secretary: Climb High and Far

Each of the approximately 20,000 students who will become new members this year has a unique story, and each has achieved a level of excellence in the liberal arts and sciences that will stand them in good stead throughout their lives and careers in an ever-changing world. Continue reading →

Member Spotlght

William Monroe Trotter photo

William Monroe Trotter

Trotter earned graduate and postgraduate degrees at Harvard University and was the first man of color to become a ΦBK member there in 1895. Learn more about Harvard’s recently established William Monroe Trotter Collaborative for Social Justice. Continue reading →


Woods image

What Springs to Mind This March?

The National Arts & Sciences Initiative updates our members and champions of the arts and sciences about state and federal budget advocacy for FY23. Continue reading →

Book in Spring Grass photo

Book Clubs Spark Community and Inspiration

Coast to coast, Phi Beta Kappa associations continue to host monthly book group meetings, offering members a chance to dive into classics, new favorites, and topics of the day through a historical lens. Check ΦBK’s website for a meeting near you! Continue reading →

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2022-2023 Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholars

Since 1956, the Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Program has been offering undergraduates the opportunity to spend time with some of America’s most distinguished scholars. Meet our scholars for the coming academic year! Continue reading →

Ken Greene photo

In Memoriam: Kenneth M. Greene

Secretary and CEO of Phi Beta Kappa from 1975 to 1989, Kenneth M. Greene (ΦBK, Brown University) passed away in December at the age of 101. Continue reading →

Phi Beta Kappa Writing Internships

Intern with a nationally recognized organization in Washington, D.C., while working remotely! The Phi Beta Kappa Society is seeking writing interns to help publicize the work of the Society and write stories about our alumni members. Applicants must be new members of Phi Beta Kappa within their first or second year to be considered for this position. Continue reading →

Book Reviews

Tragedy Kissinger cover image

The Inevitability of Tragedy: Henry Kissinger and His World

Barry Gewen. W.W. Norton & Company, 2020. 452 pages. $30.00. Continue reading →

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Our Cancers: Poems

Dan O’Brien. Acre Books, 2021. 94 pages. $15.43. Continue reading →

Shapley's Round Table cover image

Shapley’s Round Table: A Memoir by the Astronomer’s Daughter

Mildred Shapley Matthews. June L. Matthews and Thomas J. Bogdan, eds. BookBaby, 2021. 299 pages. $20.00. Continue reading →

ΦBK Authors