We are reaching out to engage at the campus level as more institutions confront hard choices and as those choices threaten to undermine the possibilities for a robust arts and sciences experience. Continue reading →
Among Duke’s most noteworthy ΦBK alumni, Reuben-Cooke enrolled 1963 as one of the school’s first five Black undergraduates and later returned as a trustee for the university. Continue reading →
Liberal arts and sciences graduates like you can provide crucial advocacy roles as legislatures adopt state budgets from early spring to early summer. Continue reading →
This August, the Triennial Council will vote on granting new charters to institutions considered during the 2018-2021 cycle. Continue reading →
Since 1956, the Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Program has been offering undergraduates the opportunity to spend time with some of America’s most distinguished scholars. Meet our visiting scholars for the upcoming academic year. Continue reading →
Intern with a nationally recognized organization in Washington, D.C., while working remotely! The Phi Beta Kappa Society is seeking writing interns to help publicize the work of the Society and write stories about our alumni members. Applicants must be new members of Phi Beta Kappa within their first or second year to be considered for this position. Continue reading →
Sarah A. Seo. Harvard University Press, 2019. 339 pages. $28.95. Continue reading →
Leah Price. Basic Books, 2019. 214 pages. $28.00. Continue reading →
Donovan Moore. Harvard University Press, 2020. 298 pages. $29.95. Continue reading →