Fall Key Reporter Cover

Fall 2024

Frederick M. Lawrence

From the Secretary: ΦΒΚ’s 47th Triennial Council

This past summer, as the Society has every three years since the first Triennial Council convening in 1883, representatives from Phi Beta Kappa’s 290+ chapters and nearly 50 alumni associations gathered to chart the course of our future. This was a particularly significant conference as we gathered on the cusp of our 250th anniversary in 2026. Continue reading →


How Democracies Thrive

How Democracies Thrive

As concerns grow for the fragility of democracy around the globe, the Society’s National Arts & Sciences Initiative team put together wide-ranging conversations engaging leading Phi Beta Kappa members with current students, recent graduates, chapter faculty, and alumni association volunteers to explore how arts and sciences education can help democracies thrive.  Continue reading →

Doug Emlen

Douglas Emlen and Extreme Animal Weapons

Douglas Emlen, Regents Professor of Biology at the University of Montana, is one of 13 preeminent scholars in the liberal arts and sciences selected to serve as ΦBK Visiting Scholars during the 2024–2025 academic year.  Continue reading →

PBK Key image

New Phi Beta Kappa Chapters Awarded at 47th Triennial Council

The Triennial Council is Phi Beta Kappa’s legislative body, which convenes every three years to conduct Society business and hold elections. Our executives, senators, and representatives from the ΦBK chapters and associations met for our 47th Triennial Council from July 31 to August 4 in Baltimore, Maryland. Phi Beta Kappa voted to establish three new […] Continue reading →

Gates photo

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Honored for Distinguished Service to the Humanities 

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (ΦBK, Yale University) is the recipient of Phi Beta Kappa’s Award for Distinguished Service to the Humanities. The Society presented the award to Gates during the 47th Triennial Council.   Continue reading →

PBK President

ΦBK Elects New President and Vice President

The Society is pleased to announces the election of Esther L. Jones (ΦBK, Fisk University) as President of the Society and Ronald A. Crutcher (ΦBK, Miami University) as Vice President. Both positions are for a three-year term.  Continue reading →

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President’s Award and John Hope Franklin Award

At the 47th Triennial Council, Phi Beta Kappa presented the Society’s President’s Award to former ΦBK President Lynn Pasquerella and its John Hope Franklin Award to Susan Hagen. Continue reading →

Book Reviews