Steven Stoll. Hill & Wang, 2017. 410 pages. $30.00.
Joseph North. Harvard University Press, 2017. 261 pages. $39.95.
Maria DiBattista and Deborah Epstein Nord. Princeton University Press, 2017. 279 pages. $29.95.
Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017. 281 pages. $28.00.
Timothy B. Tyson. Simon & Schuster, 2017. 291 pages. $7.99.
Margalit Fox. Random House, 2018. 319 pages. $27.00.
Michelle Boulous Walker. Bloomsbury, 2017. 305 pages. $24.95.
Michael McFee. Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2017. 88 pages. $15.95.
Jerome Charyn. Bellevue Literary Press, 2016. 255 pages. Paperback. $19.95.
Mitchell Duneier. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016. 304 pages. $28.00.
Ron Chernow. Penguin Press, 2017. 1,074 pages. $40.00.
Mehran Kamrava. Cornell University Press, 2018. 220 pages. $29.95.