
The Fight for Foreign Language Programs in a Multilingual World

The strength of foreign language programs in the U.S. is waning, but it is essential to realize that the world is not becoming any more monolingual.

Judith F. Krug Medal

Joseph W. Gordon, Dean of Undergraduate Education at Yale, is the first recipient of the Krug Medal for exceptional service to Phi Beta Kappa.

National Advocacy Initiative

Phi Beta Kappa is in the planning stages of a major, national initiative to advocate renewed support for the liberal arts and sciences.

The Rise in Plagiarism Reaches Harvard

With the increase in technology, is plagiarism truly on the rise, or is “cheating” just the result of a more open and collaborative learning environment?

Jack B. Williams

Phi Beta Kappa member and creator of “Wednesday’s Child” received the Yankee Quill award on November 16 for lifetime achievement in broadcast journalism.

Have a Little Faith

Students from the Muslim world intent on earning degrees in the United States often opt to attend faith-based institutions steeped in Christian values rather than secular schools.

Not Dead Yet

A college English major replies to Joseph Epstein’s “Who Killed the Liberal Arts? And Why We Should Care.”

Anna Schwartz

Described by Financial Times as “one of those few economists who changed our understanding of the world,” Anna Schwartz worked for decades on innovative economic policy research.

Daniel Joseph Edelman: A Revolutionary in His Field

Daniel Joseph Edelman (ΦBK, Columbia College, 1940) revolutionized the public relations industry and founded the world’s largest public relations firm.

Anthropology for the People

In his 16 years as executive director of the American Anthropological Association, Bill Davis strived to make anthropology accessible and understandable to the public.

The Kieffer Amendment

Evelyn Thompson Kieffer, a longtime leader of the Southern California Association of Phi Beta Kappa, was at the center of one of the most important moments in Society history.

Phi Beta Kappa Summer Academy

An inspiring new program from the Alumni Assocation of Greater Houston imparts the importance of Phi Beta Kappa and liberal education to high school students.