
At the Cost of Possibility

In the past decade, the proportion of students receiving merit-based aid has doubled, while need-based aid is slowly declining. What are the causes for this shift?

How the Apocalypse Found Me: Interview with Jay Rubenstein

Rubenstein received the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award for his latest book, Armies of Heaven: The First Crusade and the Quest for Apocalypse.

Matthew Kupfer Awarded Carnegie Fellowship

Kupfer, a new ΦBK initiate from Brandeis, will have the opportunity to work with some of the Carnegie endowment’s senior associates in the Russia and Eurasia Program.

Richard Lingeman and the Noir Forties

ΦBK member and executive editor of The Nation, Lingeman traces the evolution of cultural and political attitudes that defined an entire generation of Americans.

Anne Tria Wise Joins National Arts & Sciences Initiative

We are very happy to announce that ΦBK’s new National Arts & Sciences Initiative has attracted a superb leader.

Religious Diversity on American College Campuses

What can the increase of Muslim students at America’s Catholic universities teach us about faith identity, tolerance, and inter-faith dialogue?

“Electrified” Compositions: Effects of Technology on Student Writers

New media is often blamed for the decline in writing ability among college students, but some experts in composition observe trends that might surprise skeptics.

The Far-Reaching Influence of the Roman World: Interview with Christopher B. Krebs

Krebs is the author of A Most Dangerous Book, this year’s winner of the Gauss Award for literary scholarship and criticism.

Innovations in Teaching: Ashes2Art

Arne Flaten (ΦBK, Saint Olaf College, 1989) works with students to digitally reconstruct ancient monuments through hands on research and 3D computer modeling.

McDaniel College Honors Zengel Sisters

Scholar-scientists Janet Zengel Messer and twin sister Janice Zengel are inducted as alumni members at McDaniel College.

Watching the Lights Go Out

Physician David Hilfiker (ΦBK, Yale University, 1964) adds his perspective to Alzheimer’s by blogging about his own struggle with the disease.

Global Warming and the Fate of Greenland: Interview with Philip Conkling

A co-author of this year’s Science Book Award winner explains why we should all be paying close attention to what is happening in Greenland.