
Who’s Afraid of a Liberal Arts Education?

The liberal arts education is designed not only to acquaint students with a broad knowledge base, it also educates students to think for themselves.

Food Justice Through College Campuses

Learn about the collegiate Food Recovery Network, co-founded by four ΦBK-sheltering universities: University of Maryland, Brown University, UC Berkeley, and Pomona College.

Friend or Foe: Synthetic Biology and the Disunified “Renewable Revolution”

Is making natural resources even more commercially valuable an intelligent way to ensure their preservation, or will it only hasten their depletion?

Beauty in Sorrow

Phi Beta Kappa recognizes two of its own among the nation’s celebrated poets: Michael Lassell and Paul Monette.

The Changing Role of Women in Higher Education

While times have certainly changed from the days when higher education was a male-dominated world, the role of women in academia is still subject to complications and debate.

The Minister, the Mummy, and the Liberal Arts

An unusual legacy from John Franklin Goucher (ΦBK, Dickinson College, 1868) brings together medical, historical, and archeological sciences.

A Reason to Smile

Keela Grimmette (ΦBK, Wells College, 2006) is the founder of Reason 2 Smile, a non-profit that helps support a small school in Kenya.

Sartre, Santayana, and Personal Ethics

Iconoclasm brings to mind the theoretical underpinning of a liberal arts education: a shift away from prescriptive scholarship and an emphasis on arriving at heightened curiosity.

Faulkner at West Point

Renowned scholar M. Thomas Inge (ΦBK, Randolph-Macon College, 1959) has donated his 800 volume William Faulkner collection to the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Chasing the Shadow Catcher: An Interview with Timothy Egan

Egan’s book Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher received the 2013 Ralph Waldo Emerson Award by Phi Beta Kappa.

The Problems and Misconceptions Associated with the Completion Agenda

In addition to overlooking the crisis of perpetually shrinking resources, the completion agenda ignores what should be raison d’être of of every college and university—the education of the student.

The Advantages of an All-Women’s Education

Melissa Fares talks about her experience as a student at Smith College and comments on the value of a single sex education.