
From the Secretary: The Relevance of Our Mission

As we enter another season of Phi Beta Kappa induction ceremonies at our 286 chapters across the country, I am struck by the relevance of our mission.

From the Secretary: ΦBK’s Super Alumni Network

Since coming to Phi Beta Kappa last year, one of my prime goals has been building stronger alumni connections among members.

From the Secretary: Friendship, Morality, and Literature

The three stars on the ΦBK key represent our core values of friendship, morality, and literature. There is great depth to the choice of these three values…

International ΦBK Students Share Their Experiences

Three students who came from different parts of the world to study in the United States share their perspectives and their paths to Phi Beta Kappa.

Mental Wellness at College

While colleges and universities offer mental health resources as a matter of course, the effectiveness of these resources remains in question.

Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Gangnus photo

Find a Common Language

Russian poet and honorary Phi Beta Kappa member Yevgeny Yevtushenko reads at the University of Dallas and shares his passion for the extended family of humanity.

150 Years of ΦBK at Williams College

Founded in 1861 after an extended struggle with Harvard, the Williams chapter has long been passionate in its pursuit of knowledge.

Pay Forward, Pay Back

The state of Oregon drew the attention of the higher education community when its legislature voted to explore an income based repayment system for college tuition.

“But Wait! There’s More!” Seeing Beyond the Score

Measuring non-cognitive attributes could provide insight into an applicant’s potential success at a given institution, ultimately improving its retention rates.

Nobel Prize image

Two Phi Beta Kappa Members Win Nobel Prize in Economics

Eugene F. Fama (ΦBK, Tufts University 1959), Robert J. Shiller (ΦBK, University of Michigan, 1967), and Lars Peter Hansen share the 2013 Nobel in Economic Sciences.

“That language is so last century”: A Look at Trends in College Language Study

Much like bellbottoms and legwarmers, languages have gone in and out of style. Take a closer look at the statistics, and the causes, for these evolving trends.

Writing Internships

Intern with a nationally recognized organization in Washington, D.C., without having to leave your home campus!