Research update from Jessica Lamont (ΦBK, William & Mary), Phi Beta Kappa’s 2019 Mary Isabel Sibley Fellow.
Barnum: An American Life, released by Simon & Schuster on August 6, is the first major biography of P.T. Barnum in a generation.
To further ΦBK’s value of arts and sciences education, the Society is launching a new program called Key into Public Service.
Fr. Columba Stewart (ΦBK, Harvard College), a professor of theology at Saint John’s University in Minnesota.
Jeffrey Hom (ΦBK, Bowdoin College), a board-certified internist and policy advisor in the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, is Bowdoin’s 2019 Common Good Award recipient.
Earning a key symbolizes a founding American ideal that many have questioned lately: opening the doors to opportunity based on merit.
Once you feel reinvigorated from your summer wanderings, please consider taking some easy steps to promote the value of quality arts and sciences experiences at
The Society recently adopted a new strategic plan, “Mapping the Future of the Phi Beta Kappa Society,” that focuses on ΦBK’s potential role in a changing world.
At nearly 108 years old, Celestia “Lessie” Bailey Smithgall may be the oldest living member of Phi Beta Kappa.
Tracking the decades-long career of Catherine Nnoka (ΦBK, Georgetown) emphasizes the power of critical thinking and the advantages of a liberal arts and sciences education.
Nicola M. Courtright, William McCall Vickery 1957 Professor of the History of Art at Amherst College, lectures on “Imagining Feminine Power in European Art.”
ΦBK member May-lee Chai’s work spans genres, eras, and languages. Her new collection of short stories, Useful Phrases for Immigrants, was published in October.