Congratulations to Ardem Patapoutian (ΦBK, UCLA) of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Scripps Research and Joshua D. Angrist (ΦBK, Oberlin College) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, two of our members among this year’s winners.
We are living in a time saturated with rankings, but what we treasure most about a university experience cannot fully be captured by that which can be concretely measured.
As we look ahead to this winter and beyond, Phi Beta Kappa will continue to highlight opportunities to strengthen democracy through liberal arts and sciences education.
For the founder of Custom Tradition, Chisama Ku Penn (ΦBK, Earlham College), learning has been about centering other individuals and communities, understanding their needs as they define them.
The ΦBK Book Awards are given annually to outstanding scholarly books published in the United States. See this year’s winners!
Forest Rohwer (ΦBK, San Diego State University), a professor of
biology at San Diego State University, uses viromics to study ecosystems ranging from the human body to coral reefs.
Carolyn Wood (ΦBK, University of Oregon) may be known as the former American Olympic swimmer or even for the records she held. But to Wood, what gives her life meaning has been her teaching.
Read about ΦΒΚ winners and finalists for this year’s MacArthur Foundation Fellowships, ΦΒΚ Book Awards, National Book Awards, Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes.
Theori Henry (ΦBK, Mercer University) will travel to Tanzania to further her study of Swahili and international affairs.
Anna Wilson (ΦBK, Washington University in St. Louis), currently hard at work in the Washington University Neurofibromatosis Center, hopes one day to specialize in patient-centered and directed research through creativity and collaboration.
Joshua Pinckney (ΦBK, Carnegie Mellon University) is the co-founder the Black and Latinx Student-Athlete Coalition and Plaidvocates supporter, a peer wellness group for athletes.
ΦBKNY is investing in the next generation through a scholarship program benefitting New York City-area community college graduates.