
Stephen Breyer photo

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer

Stephen Breyer (ΦΒΚ, Stanford University), who has served on the Supreme Court of the United States since 1994, plans to retire from his position this year.

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English Nationalism and Identity in the Age of Brexit

Dulcie Everitt (ΦBK, Connecticut College) grew up in London, England. Her new book BrexLit examines how literature reacts to moments of political upheaval.

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Writing to Overcome Anxiety

ΦBK author Terri Bacow combines cognitive behavioral therapy with guided journaling, pop culture references, and graphics for a youth audience.

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MacArthur Fellow Jesse Shapiro

Shapiro (ΦBK, Harvard) is an applied microeconomist at Brown University whose work address a wide variety of pressing problems, including political polarization, media bias, and recidivism.

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What Growing Up in a Family of ΦBK Inductees Teaches about the True Nature of Education

For President of Middlebury College Laurie L. Patton, being a member of Phi Beta Kappa isn’t just a matter of academic achievement. It’s also a family affair. 

Steven Raichlen photo

How a Love for Learning Has Fueled the Flames for Grilling Expert and Author Steven Raichlen

New York Times Bestselling food author Steven Raichlen (ΦBK, Reed College) discusses his love of history, writing, and of course cooking.

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The Struggle to Champion the Work of a Forgotten Astronomer Continues

This December marked the 100-year anniversary of the death of Henrietta Swan Leavitt (ΦBK, Radcliffe College), an astronomer whose legacy and groundbreaking findings remain largely obscured by history. 

John Rumpler photo

One More Tool in the Toolbox

John Rumpler (ΦBK, Tufts), senior director of Environment America’s clean water program, recently spearheaded the Get the Lead Out campaign, gaining billions for infrastructure remediation.

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Dartmouth ΦBK Named among Top Women Lawyers

Practicing tax law with a human rights background appears unconventional, but Nair credits her success to her experience with social justice.

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Small Campus, Big Strides

ΦBK member Becca Gadiel of Knox College was named Student Laureate for the 2021-2022 school year by the Lincoln Academy of Illinois for her exceptional academic achievements.

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Getting an Education—No Matter the Age, Barriers

At age 65 Melinda Spitzer graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Florida International University with a B.A. in women’s and gender studies.

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Bringing Diverse Education to Costume

Rachel Pollock (ΦBK, University of Tennessee, Knoxville) is a professional costumer and has worked as a dyer at the Broadway production house Parsons-Meares, Ltd. on shows like Hamilton, Lion King, and Frozen.