On the Road in Michigan

ФВК Secretary and CEO Fred Lawrence and Director of Chapter and Association Relations Ann McCulloch recently traveled to Michigan for successful events with the Michigan State University chapter and the Detroit ФВК Association. 

On August 23, a dozen Michigan State ФВК faculty members, including several current and former chapter officers, joined Fred and Ann on campus and discussed ways to make ФВК more visible at MSU and how to encourage more students to accept an invitation to join. With the chapter’s 50th anniversary approaching in 2018, the group hopes to strengthen ties with the ФВК community in East Lansing. 

On August 24, the Society and the Detroit Association cohosted a lively reception for Detroit-area ФВК members at the popular restaurant 220 Merrill in Birmingham. The event brought members of all ages and backgrounds together to network, welcome Fred as Secretary, and  learn more about the work of the Detroit Association. More than 60 members attended, including Michigan Supreme Court Justice Richard Bernstein (ФВК, University of Michigan, 1995). Attendees stayed well past the reception’s end enjoying each other’s company. 

Members in Michigan and across the country who would like to be more involved with nearby chapter schools or a local association, write to Ann McCulloch at amcculloch@pbk.org.

These events are only the beginning. We hope to be on the road to many chapters and associations over the next several months. Make sure we have your current email address by contacting support@pbk.org so that we can keep in touch about our upcoming visits!

Phi Beta Kappa Secretary/CEO Fred Lawrence with members of MSU’s Epsilon of Michigan chapter.

Top left: Detroit-area members enjoying an August networking reception.